Azure Functions vs AWS Lambda - Which serverless computing platform is better?

January 05, 2022

Azure Functions vs AWS Lambda - Which serverless computing platform is better?

When it comes to serverless computing, two major cloud computing platforms come to mind: Azure Functions and AWS Lambda. Both of these platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, so it's essential to know which one fits your cloud automation needs. Here's a factual comparison between Azure Functions and AWS Lambda.

Deployment and Pricing

When it comes to deploying serverless functions, the primary concern is pricing. AWS Lambda allows its users to have 1 million free requests per month, which means you won't have to pay anything if you're receiving requests below this threshold. On the other hand, Microsoft Azure offers 1 million free executions per month for every user. This makes both platforms equally competent.

Regarding deployment, Azure Functions and AWS Lambda have different deployment models. AWS Lambda uses deployment packages that transform source code into executable files. Azure Functions, on the other hand, uses fully managed instances, providing a less complex deployment experience. This makes Azure Functions more user-friendly for developers.

Performance and Scalability

Both AWS Lambda and Azure Functions can handle a vast number of requests simultaneously. However, AWS Lambda's performance improves over time, as more requests trigger it. This is due to its server layer, which scales up as necessary to accommodate handling repeated requests. Azure Functions, on the other hand, has a pre-warmed feature that eliminates cold starts, making it an excellent choice for users anticipating a high volume of requests.

Integration with Other Services

AWS has a clear advantage over Azure when it comes to integrating with other services. AWS Lambda integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, such as Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, and others. Still, Azure Functions also offer seamless integration with Azure databases, cognitive services, and messaging services.


In the end, the choice between Azure Functions and AWS Lambda depends on your cloud automation needs. Azure Functions is user-friendly and offers a simpler deployment model, while AWS Lambda has a preferable pricing model and better integration with other AWS services. When it comes to scaling, both platforms handle the load beautifully, but AWS Lambda might have an edge with time.

However, no matter which platform you choose, both Azure Functions and AWS Lambda offer an excellent serverless computing service that can fulfill all your cloud automation needs.


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